Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Recently, we have an article Signs Your Girlfriend Is Wife Material. Well, there are ways to tell if the man you are with is “the one”. If you are between your 20′s and 30′s, hopefully you are dating to eventually elope. Here are 25 signs that your boyfriend is husband material. 
Please note that this article might not be true for all and as no one is perfect, and in some instances people shape out what they want out of each other from passion, commitment and sacrifices. You can too.. A positive score/Yes to 15 out of these 25 signs can keep you on the safe side an you can work on the rest. Enjoy your relationships to the fullest. Happiness is important and life is too short to spend the rest of your life with the wrong one!

25. The fights are clean and the sex is dirty.

A lot of guys feel like they are entitled to speak to women however they please. Kill their ego if they do that. If your man doesn’t display a temper and keeps the fights clean and the sex dirty, he’s the one.

24. He trusts you.

After a certain point, there should be no more going through your phone or questioning you on what happened at the club. He knows you love him and would never do anything to hurt him.

23. He respects your personal time.

Whether this is a night out with your guy friends or allowing you to have a day to yourself, he respects that and doesn’t ask you questions. You are free to spend your time as you please.

22. He communicates with you.

A relationship is based off communication. He speaks to you about issues he does or does not like before they turn into a bigger problem. He doesn’t hide anything from you or leave you questioning his intentions. He also listens to you when you need someone to talk too.

21. He’s well respected.

Who you are with is a reflection of who you are, choose wisely.

20. He supports you.

Every woman should have goals and dreams. If your path seems to be greater than his or even smaller than his, he supports you in every aspect and he would never put you down.

19. He caters to you.

Your man should want to do nice things for you. This can include buying you a spa day or cook you dinner and start a bubble bath for you when you had a long day. He knows how hard you work and wants you to be relaxed.

18. His intentions are true.

Dating someone is the most annoying f*cking thing in the world when you never know what their intentions are. Things like not answering you all day or ignoring you won’t happen when he’s the one.

17. He speaks highly of you to his friends and family.

It does not matter if you did something nice for him like his laundry or you got a huge promotion at work, he never puts you down or is insecure to let people know he is with you. He raves about everything you do.

16. He sticks up for you.

There are to many instances where I see a guy out at the bar putting a girl down or just being a d*ck for no reason. When your man is husband material, he will fight for you until the end and you feel safe knowing that.

15. He knows what you want.

Whether this is your favorite Ben and Jerry’s ice cream when it’s that time of the month or how you like to be f*cked, he pays attention to what you like and what you want and will do everything he can to make that happen.

14. He’s responsible with his money.

If you are with someone who spends every dime from his $12 dollar an hour paycheck on festivals and you are the one who ends up buying dinner for you both every night, he’s not the one. You need someone who can take care of you, especially when things are rough or something happens on a rainy day. Not someone who blows his money the second he gets it.

13. He’s not a degenerate.

There are many men out there that love to gamble, drink and do drugs. Eventually, this will interfere with your relationship and it will get the best of you. Going out and partying every night or coming home broke from a night at the casino is not a good look.

12. He’s family oriented.

You want someone who will put your family first when the time comes, so a man who enjoys time with his family is someone you want to be with.

11. He’s fun to be around.

Whether it’s just the two of you kicking it or out with friends, your man is always fun to be around and doesn’t cause drama. He goes with the flow and doesn’t freak out when something doesn’t go right. He also always has a new adventure and loves to experience things with you.

10. He’s intellectually curious and his values match yours.

You need someone who will want to keep learning and enjoys it. This will make you want to learn and experience more which will in turn make you a more intelligent person just by being with him. You both have good values and will push each other to reach your goals.

9. He likes to lead a healthy lifestyle.

He works out and eats healthy which will make you want to do the same. There’s nothing better than a couple that trains together.

8. He doesn’t make you feel left out.

No matter where you two are together, he doesn’t leave you and make you feel left out. He always makes sure you are good because when you are good, he is good. He also doesn’t have to impress the whole room he is in by making them laugh or talking to every single person there, leaving you behind.

7. The sex is amazing.

Sex is good when there is chemistry and you both focus on each others needs. He pays attention to everything you like and makes you feel sexy.

6. He’s patient.

A man who doesn’t put you down because you don’t understand something is a man to keep. He is patient with you no matter if it’s waiting for you to get ready or trying to find a location that you said you “knew how to get to”.

5. He is reliable.

When he says he is going to do something, he does it. There is nothing worse than a person who doesn’t do what they say they are going to do. This way you can actually make long term future plans and it will happen. He’s not all talk.

4. He’s selfless and humble.

A guy who does things for other people besides himself is so f*cking hot. When he doesn’t treat people like sh*t, tips well, doesn’t look down upon others, you know you have a keeper. He wants to give back to others because that is a greater feeling for him than any other.

3. He is confident.

There is nothing sexier than a man who is confident. Dating a p*ssy makes you insecure because they are always trying to please other people and they usually don’t have the right intentions. A confident man will own himself and his lady, so no matter what room you are walking into, people know who he is and who he is with.

2. He knows every flaw but loves you unconditionally.

He might make fun of you for things that you do weird or wrong and he knows you better than you know yourself. He loves you unconditionally and loves everything that you do. His demons play well with yours and he loves that the most.

1. You are crazy about each other.

You wake up everyday and thank your lucky stars you found each other. He has been there through the good and the bad and you couldn’t imagine life without him. You are crazy about him and everything he represents. And that makes him crazy for you.

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